Simple swaps for a more sustainable life

Sustainability is something we should all be taking steps towards in our lives. We’re surrounded by documentaries and campaigns outlining the damage that our current way of living is doing to the planet but making changes can feel overwhelming and scary! It’s easy to feel intimidated by the people you see online or in the news, the people who drastically overhaul their lives and publically campaign about these issues, I know I’ve felt that way.

Instead of focussing on making changes which would turn your whole way of life upside down why not try making some small, achievable tweaks and working from there. It’s better to have large numbers of the population making small changes which all add up than to have one or two individuals who live perfectly.

Here’s some small things which I’ve changed about my day to day life which I know are having a benefit on the environment:

  • Using a reusable water bottle – Hydratem8 and Chillys do really beautiful bottles Sustainability 1which you can fill up on the go instead of buying plastic bottles of water on the go, saving you money as well as reducing plastic
  • Using a reusable coffee cup – I’ve got a gorgeous Ecoffee cup which I take my coffee to work in to drink during my morning commute and then use throughout the day when I get coffee on the go. Again, not only does it save on plastic but you also get money off your coffee in most chains when you use your own cup
  • Taking lunch in a Tupperware – this is something I’ve done for absolutely years mostly because I’m too cheap to buy lunch out every day but most lunches you can pick up come in plastic packaging which often can’t be recycled. If you take your own Tupperware it can be taken home, washed and ready to use the next day
  • Using bamboo cutlery – when I eat my pre-prepared lunch from my Tupperware I always use bamboo cutlery. I work in an environment where regular cutlery doesn’t make it through security in the morning but bamboo cutlery avoids me needing to pick up plastic cutlery wherever I am and whatever I’m eating
  • Using a reusable carrier bag – I’ve always got reusable carrier bags ready whenever I need them, I keep a few bags for life in the car in case I decide to stop off somewhere and I’ve always got a small bag in my handbag in case I pick up a few things while I am out. I had got into a routine of using bags for my weekly food shop but I was often caught short if I picked up some things in town so I’d definitely recommend carrying one in your bag wherever you go
  • Buying fruit and vegetables without plastic wrappers – it always amazes me that some produce is even put into plastic wrapping in the first place! Fruit such as bananas have skins which protect them anyway but often they’re wrapped in extra unnecessary plastic. Most produce will be sold loose in the supermarket so where I can I always try to buy fruit and veg without any plastic wrapping
  • Shopping at sustainable stores – in Cardiff we’re lucky to have Ripple which is an amazing low-waste store which allows you to fill up your own containers without the needSustainability 3 for purchasing goods in plastic packaging. If you’re in the area I’d definitely recommend you check it out (especially their selection of coated raisins and nuts) or look for a similar store in your local area
  • Eating more plant based or reducing meat consumption – this is quite a controversial issue so bear with me on this one. I’m not vegetarian, vegan, plant based or any other label which people attach to the way they eat but I have tried to reduce my meat consumption. I try to eat vegetarian meals when I go out for food and I’ve been experimenting with more plant based/vegetarian cooking at home. This is the one where people often become very passionate and criticise others for not cutting out all meat/fish/dairy produce instantly. In my opinion, we all need to take the steps we can to improve our environmental situation, and when it comes to reducing meat consumption then we should make any efforts we can
  • Plant based milks in coffee – this is one of my favourite swaps! I love trying other milks in my coffee and not only are they readily available in all supermarkets now, most coffee shops often provide a range of milks. If you want a way to ease yourself in to this change I’d definitely recommend giving a coconut milk mocha a go
  • Buying a reusable straw – this one is on my to do list next time I visit Ripple. Although a lot of restaurants and big chains are starting to move towards providing paper straws having a reusable straw with me in my handbag will save me being caught out if I go somewhere which doesn’t offer any alternative to plastic
  • Repairing clothes – this is my most recent attempt at sustainability and I have to say I’m pretty proud of myself! Anyone who knows me will know that arts and crafts is definitely not my strong point, I’m not creative at all so when I decided to try sewing my ripped clothes I was a bit sceptical about how it would go. I’ve only carried out a few little repairs on work clothes but it’s gone well so far and saved me throwing items away, purchasing new ones and contributing to the issues surrounding fast fashion

So that’s what I’m doing at the moment! I’m still very much on a journey towards making my life more sustainable and I’d love to hear what changes you have made to inspire me further.

Sustainability 2

16 thoughts on “Simple swaps for a more sustainable life

  1. ThatAutisticFitChick says:

    I grew up being an environmentalist before it was fashionable, so most of the swaps are things I’ve always done and just thought were the norm. I’ve given up with reuseable water bottles and coffee cups because I simply wasn’t using them enough for them to be more environmentally friendly – instead I reuse single use bottles for a few weeks at a time and make an effort to sit in store to drink coffee instead of grabbing it on the run.

    My current change is making an effort to seek out people who sell their own eggs from their garden rather than buying eggs from supermarkets 🙂


  2. Catherine says:

    Repairing clothes is such a great point. My mother always does this and helps me repair mine too as she is very into sustainable living and is a great seamstress! Great post.


  3. Simply Michelle says:

    this is a great post! it’s so important to do what we can. I work as a cashier and I’m always asking customers if they’d like a bag in hopes that some of them will tell me to skip it meaning that’s one less plastic bag to end up in the oceans. not only are reusable drink ware better for the environment, they are more cost effective. i know at starbucks you save ten cents every time you bring your own cup and most of the time you get more liquid in reusable cups than single use plastic! x

    mich /


    • healthyabsblog says:

      Thank you! Yes it’s the same here except you get double savings because you get money off your coffee for using a reusable cup plus you don’t have to pay for the disposable cup which there is a charge for as well

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kiara Wynn says:

    I was very surprised to find out that I do most of these things already! But the two things on top of my shopping list are a reusable straw AND bamboo cutlery.

    This was such a great and informative read 🖤


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